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Southern California Chapter

Institute of Classical Architecture & Art (ICAA)

Southern California Chapter

About ICAA

The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art (ICAA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the appreciation and practice of classical architecture and art. Founded in 2002, the organization is headquartered in New York City and has chapters across the United States and internationally.


The ICAA's mission is to advance the understanding and appreciation of classical architecture and art, promote their practice, and protect their legacy. The organization works to educate the public, support classical design professionals, and preserve historic buildings and landscapes.

Southern California Chapter

The Southern California Chapter of the ICAA is a vibrant community of architects, designers, historians, and enthusiasts who promote classical architecture and art in the region. The chapter hosts lectures, tours, and events to engage the public and provide educational opportunities for its members.

Contact Information

Institute of Classical Architecture & Art
Southern California Chapter
PO Box 29010
Los Angeles, CA 90029


The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, Southern California Chapter, is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the appreciation, practice, and preservation of classical architecture and art. Their work plays a vital role in fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of this timeless tradition.
